Cavity Insulation

Ecobead Cavity Insulation

Ecobead: A technology leader in loose fill cavity wall insulation.

The Ecobead Insulation system is a combination of high performance insulated beads locked into tightly packed honeycomb matrix with a water based adhesive. Ecobead is approved by the Irish Agrément board and the British Board of Agrément.

Is a site visit required before the installation of Ecobead insulation?

Yes. The property must be assessed to ensure it is suitable for the Ecobead system.


Who carries out the installation of Ecobead?

Ecobead insulation on your property will be carried out by professional trained installers. The Ecobead quality team, the SEAI and the NSAI regularly audit the Superior Insulations team representatives to ensure you receive the best practice, quality service and care at all times.

A Superior Insulations representative will carry out a site assessment, discussing with you the process and time necessary to complete the installation. This will include the completion of a 30-point checklist for each project. This comprehensive audit will ensure that Superior Insulations complete their work in the optimum time. Access to all sides of the site is required. Special requests such as no work before 8.00am or during specific dates etc. should be advised to your representative as soon as possible.

To ensure that Ecobead is installed safely, some minor work may be involved. Slieving wall vents, sealing cracks in block-work, and brickwork are just some of the possible extra tasks. You may prefer to do this work yourself prior to the installation of Ecobead. However, your Superior Insulations representative can also carry out this remedial work for an extra charge. Please discuss and agree this with the representative.


What can I expect on the day of installation?

The Superior Insulations installers will call to your home. Before commencing work, they will identify themselves as an authorised Ecobead installer. They will remove their equipment from the truck and prepare for the installation.

The representatives will consult the pre audit check-sheet taken at assessment and compose a drill pattern for your home. They will then drill a series of 22mm holes (the size of a €1 coin) in the outer leaf (block-work) of your property according to the drill pattern. To minimise the aesthetic impact on a brick façade on the property, holes will be drilled into the mortar joints.

As soon as the drilling is complete, it will be necessary to operate a diesel compressor to fill the cavity. This will lead to increased noise in the area, so all pets should be kept indoors. The compressor will only operate when filling is in progress.

When the filling process is complete, please feel free to ask your Superior Insulations representative to show you the Ecobeads within the cavity. Cement putty will then be used to block up the drill holes. A few days later when the cement putty has dried, painting the holes will restore the property to its pre-installation appearance.

Superior Insulations will then pack away their equipment and leave your home as they found it… except warmer!


Will I feel a difference in temperature immediately after completion?

Yes, Ecobead insulation works instantly. Your home will feel distinctly warmer during the colder months and cooler in the summer months. All year round your home will retain heat for longer thereby reducing the need to be running those boilers so much!


In an existing dwelling, will work need to be carried out inside the property?

No, the installation of Ecobead is a non-intrusive process. As a legal requirement and to ensure maximum safety, we will need to check the operation of your home heating system before and after installation, but all other work will occur outdoors.


How long does the installation of Ecobead take?

To install Ecobead in a typical detached home of approximately 1500 square foot should take no more than 6 hours.

FOR A QUOTE CALL: 086 172 9064

Contact Superior Insulations today for any questions you may have regarding your Insulations needs and to book a visit.