Deep Retrofit Grants Available

Deep Retrofit Grants Available

An excellent programme on the SEAI Deep Retrofit programme on Eco Eye last week.

Deep retrofit is another name given for an extensive home energy upgrade. The many benefits to carrying out a home energy upgrade, includes a much warmer, cosier home, an improved BER rating and most importantly improvements to your health. Living in a old property can be very uncomfortable particularly for those of an older generation. Cold and damp housing can lead to increased sickness including respiratory problems. If you suffer from asthma or any other respiratory issues this is very damaging to your health. I think we have grown used to having a poor level of energy performance in our homes and have a low expectation of how warm and comfortable we should.


This scheme is such a great opportunity to bring your home from BER C rating or lower to an A3 rating gaining a 150 kW/Hr uplift and you only pay 50% for the works done. SEAI pay the other 50%!


Superior Insulations is working on a number of Deep Retrofits in the West of Ireland and we are so delighted to be bringing cosy warm homes and huge cost savings to homeowners. We cover the West of Ireland, Counties Mayo, Sligo, Galway, Roscommon, Leitrim, Longford and further afield.


To find out more and avail of the grants available, don’t delay, contact us today for your Free quotation.