13 Oct Insulation is key to updating your home
Forget a new kitchen: Retrofitting your home is a better investment
A new kitchen might sound a great investment but actually what you should really be thinking about is insulating your home. This is definitely the right investment to make in this current climate.
We need to play our part in getting carbon emissions down and over the next nine years there is a commitment to get half a million home to a B2 energy rating, that’s a lot of homes every week. Retrofitting these homes will make them more energy efficient and help the country reach this target.
So if you have been saving up your hard earned cash or thinking of taking out a loan to upgrade your home, Insulation is the best option. The upgrade will pay for itself over a few years with your reduced energy bills. There are many grants available through the SEAI so no better time to make these changes.
We can help you every step of the way, we can advise you on the products for your upgrade, take care of all the grant paperwork on your behalf and do the work. All you have to do is decide what work you want doing. Its that’s simple.